Farm share, or CSA, stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Instead of going to a supermarket or even a farm market, community members directly support the farm that grows their food. They get to cut out the middleman, support a family-run business and access locally grown, ultra-fresh food.
How It Works
Before the growing season, members buy a share in the farm. Once a week during the season, members come to the farm to pick up their items. Our Summer CSA season runs weekly from June 17 to September 2, 2021. The Fall CSA runs every other week from September 9 to December 16, 2021.

Pick colorful bouquets in the flower u-pick gardens

U pick Gardens include beans, peas, cherry tomatoes, herbs, flowers and more!
Just like picking out vegetables at a market, members choose 8-12 items for a full share or 5-6 items for a half share. There are anywhere from 10-25 different crops harvested fresh each week. The selection varies throughout the growing season.
CSA members have access to our pick-your-own gardens. During pick-up hours, CSA members have unlimited access to cutting flowers, culinary herbs, and many more fruits and vegetables. Come with the family to get your weekly dose of farm time!
We partner with nearby farms so you can get everything you need at CSA pickup. Fresh fruit, milk, pasture-raised meats, eggs and more are available for purchase on a first-come, first-served basis. CSA Sign up on our sign up page.
What You Get
CSA pick-up is designed so members can make full meals with a variety of ingredients fresh in each season. For example, in spring, you can find fresh spring greens, beets, lettuce and sugar snap peas. In summer, you will have plentiful options of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, melons and zucchini. And in fall, you can find eggplants, fall squash, kale and cabbage.
Visit our crop guide for a full listing of what we have available.
You also get peace of mind of knowing where your food is Certified Naturally Grown, and supporting a historic family-run farm, which, in turn, supports the local economy.
How We Grow
We strictly follow nation organic agricultural practices. We have chosen to become Certified Naturally Grown. We have taken the Farmer’s Pledge by the Northeast Organic Farming Association. We never use synthetic pesticides, herbicides, insecticides or fertilizers. That means our vegetables won’t look flawless like they do in the supermarket. Rest assured, everything we put out for pickup is fresh, nutritious and delicious. We do recommend members properly wash and store their produce at home.
While we farmers make every effort to guarantee crop success, members understand that there are risks in farming due to weather, crop failure and pest pressure.

We grow 14 varieties of tomatoes from heirloom paste, to early red slicers to colorful cherry u-pick tomatoes – all picked at the peak of ripeness.

Choose from 11 varieties of peppers – all crunchy and full of flavor

CSA members enjoy a flower u-pick with 5 varieties of cheery sunflowers.

The u-pick garden includes a pumpkin patch

Find your oasis in your weekly trip to the farm.